The Cool Leaf Series QWERTY Computer Keyboard Design

Today technology is soaring so high that it can even turn a mirror in a regular usable computer Keyboard, calculator and remote, and I am just astounded by such up coming creations like this one. Created by some Japanese company named Minebea Co Ltd in collaboration with Kazuo Kawasaki who is a professor at Osaka University, these devices series has been named as ‘Cool Leaf Series’. The main attraction over here is the keyboard of the cool leaf series which has been named “?-QWERTY”.


Cool Leaf is a blend of aesthetically killer and efficient working. The keyboard’s lighting device includes light guide plate type black lights has been done in such a way that if the device is switched off, it appears to be nothing but a piece of rectangular shaped mirror glass. It also contains force sensors as the whole unit is a touch type device and has been specially made into a half mirror-type film on a special acrylic board. As there is no gap between the keys, cleaning it is damn easy and there is no need to worry about the coming out of the keys.

The calculator of the Cool Leaf series has been named the “?-Calcs” and another remote control released with the named of “?-Remote” . Even their features are similar to the keyboards and these two works in same manner and look awesome too.

Minebea is really happy with their outstanding creation and wants to expand the Cool Leaf Series to communication devices, residential devices, medical devices and moreover, the company is considering adding a haptic device, an acceleration sensor, etc. I can just wish them luck and hope that the rest of their upcoming futuristic devices will be as good as these three.

You can see some awesome design & concepts like USB iPhone Keyboard Matias and Keystick Keyboard Design, which will really surprise you.

Via : Techon.nikkeibp