Check Local Stores with ‘Google Shopping’ for Mobiles by Google

google shopping

No very long ago, we heard Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt talking about cell phone industry which sent surprise waves across the world when he pledged the Company’s future in mobile phones. Well, for who were skeptical about that, recent developments are tell-tale signs that the statement made by Google Chief was neither a tongue slip-up or an exaggeration…especially when seeing the Google Android developments and the newest Nexus One.

We just witnessed the launch of Google Buzz, which packed in special features for mobiles in location-aware-networking and improved Google maps with it. Now, the Search giant has gone one step further with the announcement of “Google Shopping” for mobile phones. Can anybody sense the location-aware-purchasing?


The feature is available for exploitation only in US right now, and your phone needs to be either an iPhone, Palm WebOS phone or an Android powered device to exploit the latest card thrown by the Google in the ‘location based services’ game. Android have an advantage in as much as both phones and tablets running on it seem compatible. Plus, to get meaningful results, it is imperative you specify your location, either by enabling ‘My Location’ or setting it manually, your call.

Your search will tell you whether the item you are looking for is available in the nearby stores, which includes the likes of Best Buy, Sears, Williams-Sonoma, Pottery Barn and West Elm. Once you’ve searched for it, spot the blue dots on results page as they indicate the availability of the product near you. Hitting the ‘In Stocks Nearby’ appearing besides the dots will land you on seller’s page where you will be told whether the item you seek is ‘In Stock’ or has ‘Limited availability’.

There are basically two ways to use this service. Either use conventional Google search and spot the blue dots or go to and hit the ‘More’ button to see more services by Google and locate the ‘shopping’. You are on the Go!

That was about buyers, but Google got a piece of cake to share with sellers, too. Sellers can participate in the program by filling a form here to let how their interest to Google. And for the time being, retailers better prepare themselves by making sure that their Local Business Center data stays updated and Product Search Data will wisely respond to searches, so that the project implementation gets smoother and experience, unmatched!

So that was it. What do you think? Let us know in comments.

Plus, don’t forget to tell us about your experience if belong to US and had a hands-on experience of the service. Did it satisfy your needs?

Via GoogleMobile