Motoblur Hotel Stands like a Wonderland Dream!

In every hotel, if it flaunts its factory of innovative designs and architecture, it’s bound to gravitate everyone’s attention, and Klip Collective’s Motoblur Hotel just justifies this statement, with the help of corporate sponsorship from Motorola and NFL, and builds a creation beyond ones imaginations.


This construction team used their patented mapping technology and some super mega video projectors to transform and give a new face to the Edison Hotel’s art deco facade into an eye-catching wonderland of 3D illusion for the Super Bowl in Miami in February 2010.

With this shining creation, to make it in a real wonderland, Klip also made use of lights and shadows, making the front wall dissolve away, revealing the building’s interior where room-like vignettes transpire.

To watch this colorful and lively hotel is to watch a dream with open eyes. What’s really surprising is that this spot is the product of lots hard work and dedication put in after a location change 6 days before project launch, yet stands out squarely among the rest.

The team was on a plane to Florida with no clue as to where we they would be projecting, but with the most amazing production team led by Jennifer Friedman and the hard work of Installation Designer, Josh James, there couldn’t have been a better location chosen to project such a splendid concept.

To be enchanted with such beautiful and productive concepts, don’t miss the Pipeline one Artistic Desk or the Lamborghini Ankonian and Madura.