Glow Globe Makes You Quit Smoking

The smoking detector globe, Glow Globe as it is named, is here now to warn one how much air pollution he is creating and how much more danger he is inviting for his body by getting into such a bad habit of smoking. The Glow Globe is available in many types like the ones made of plastic, of rubber and of brushed metal and has a smoke sensor LED wrapped around the globe. This LED is the key factor of this globe as it gets lighted the moment it detects smoke around it.


Designed by Nebojsa Glavonic, the Glow Globe gives a glimpse of how highly advanced and technically perfect this device is. It has everything in it right from the smoke detecting LED light, a smoke sensor hole, reset button, an attachment clip to keep it stuck to something or somewhere and a very catchy design.

It is this quit smoking feature of this globe that has come out as a mind-blowing concept which can be used for many purposes. It is simply perfect for letting one realize that he actually is not required to smoke in the room where he is sitting or just to tell him that he has fallen prey to his old bad habit again. Also, a Glow Globe can also be used in public places like in waiting rooms, in offices and in hospitals to let people realize that smoking is strictly prohibited in that zone.

A perfect anti-smoking gadget for the addicted and chain smokers, the Glow Globe undoubtedly is a revolutionary invention. How many times can you think of checking a person from smoking and asking him that he is doing it wrong? The Glow Globe will do it every time whenever it senses smoke and that is the must-mentioning positive factor about it. However, if there are repeated incidents when the smoking detector is sensing smoke for the whole day then the light mode of the globe will change its color and that will depict that there have been enough of smoking.

The goal taken up behind the designing of this device, i.e., quit smoking, definitely is great. Hence, the Glow Globe concept is commendable and has been able to gather great good words and appreciation for it. A good companion for the smokers, the Glow Globe will surely be the best instructor in asking the smoker that it is the time he should quit smoking now.

No just the cigarettes, people have been using traditional methods of smoking like the hookahs and have tried making Own Yahookah or using E-hookah Gadget, but this gadget would not even let you pick hookahs. Still, if you feel the urge to smoke, you can try the Electric Cigar Gadget, but I must say its better to quit smoking than to get enslaved by its addiction. There is no word on the availability of this Gadget as yet, but these nifty devices which help you to get rid of bad habits should be made in abundance and put up for sale as early as possible.