Dr. Grordbort’s Rayguns To Spread Anarchy

Just when I saw the Rauguns by Dr. Grordbort, all my pent up emotions of going on a killing spree sprang up and then I realized that this kind of violent attitude isn’t good in real life.

OV 077 Victory

It looks good in video games only but if the guns like these are circulated freely, they can create havoc. Just have a look at these Rayguns brought to you by Weta and you will for sure find them irresistible.


The very first among them is OV 077 Victory Raygun and it seems like that this gun is licensed for U.S. with its U.S. flag tattooed on it. It looks like a toy but it works perfectly. It seems like that this futuristic design may be picked by eccentric guys. There is another logo ‘GASA’ on the raygun that reminds me of NASA. The OV 077 Victory gun has truly been designed for Space explorers’ defense.


The second meticulously built dangerous weapon is A Subray Car Named Destruction. As the name states this is meant for destructive purposes. I like this gun for its appealing graffiti that exhibits vile and monstrous images of monsters along with terrifying inscriptions on either side such as ‘SIN’, ‘POISON’, ‘EVIL’, ‘DESTRUCTION’ and a lot more. The metallic grey color of the Destruction gun makes it look more masculine and better than the OV 077 Victory version.

Hammer and stake

I wish I could buy this one, I mean the third model that carries Christian ephemera named as Hammer & Stake. Whenever sin starts spreading its domain and all goodness of God starts vanishing, someone has to take up the lead and become a Messiah. To kill evil one has to really fight these days as just prayers don’t do anything. It is said God help those who help themselves and thus this Hammer & Stake Raygun washed by real Holy Water would let you shoot down the evil without even making you tremble for a second.


The last gun among the superb collection of Dr. Grordbort is Goliathon 83 Kraftig. After looking at the models mentioned afore, I think you would not like this one. But this is the most sturdy and dependable gun of all the rayguns built by Dt. Grordbort for its heavy power output. The Goliathon 83 Kraftig functions substantially good with bigger artillery permitting a readier and more elastic response. It can become wild so it should be handled with utmost care.

All these one-of-a-kind guns are based on ManMelter 3600zx and come with Certificate of Authenticity. Every gun weighs over 7 pounds so the price of $1,250 is worth it. If you too are thinking to buy one for you, then I would say, I am sorry Guys, you lost the chance as all these guns are sold out.

Nevertheless, you can check out G-Mate Gun Overlord, Steampunk Swiss Knife Gun or Electromagnetic Coilgun.