The Full Page Magnifier is Surely Everyone’s New Age Reading Companion

With the invention of the printing press, printed publication (pamphlets, newsletters, books) became a means of communicating culture, sharing stories, and even propagating propaganda. Innovations in technology have taken readers from the old school paperback to digital e-book readers such as Kindle (Amazon), Reader (Sony), and Papyrus (Samsung).

E-readers are compact, mobile, and allow you to carry multiple titles; but it still cannot beat the touch, feel, and smell of a freshly printed book. There is something elemental about a paperback that makes you feel you are about to embark on a journey every time you pick a book and begin to read it.

After a tiring day, one of the best ways to de-stress is to snuggle up on your bed with a good book and submerge into a literary world. For people living alone, reading at night is less problematic as compared to people living with their spouse or partner. If nothing else, the amount of light in the room could disturb your partner’s sleep.


We have a solution that will allow you to read at night and allow your partner to enjoy his or her beauty sleep. The solution, ladies and gents, is an Illuminating Full Page Magnifier.

The Full Page Magnifier is a rectangular lens that provides a magnified view of the page and background light to read the text. The 8×10 inches wide rectangular lens enlarges text up to three times, allowing you to scan through the content with the least possible strain on your eyes. The acrylic lens also provides a distortion free reading experience, which is a welcome break from traditional reading glasses.

The lens, in addition to providing crystal-clear magnified letters, is also scratch resistant. This translates into a reading apparatus that lasts longer and can survive a fall or two.

When you read a book at night in the light of a common reading lamp, you may have to deal with the irritating glare cast by fluorescent or incandescent bulbs. With the Full Page Magnifier, the background LED lights cast no glare and is bright enough for you to read without disturbing your partner.

Traditional reading lamps are usually fixed at a certain angle and you need to adjust your reading position to get the maximum light. With the illuminated magnifier, this is hardly an issue. Mounted on a flexible stand, the reader can be twisted and turned in any direction. The wide acrylic lens is counterbalanced, which prevents it from falling over.

The time has come to cast away your old reading glasses and lights and make the Illuminating Full Page Magnifier your reading companion.

If this device has caught your attention, you would definitely be interested in knowing about I-Vu Magnifier and Ophthalmic Accommodation Exercise Device.

Via: Random-good-stuff

The Full Page Magnifier is a rectangular lens that provides a magnified view of the page and background light to read the text. The 8×10 inches wide rectangular lens enlarges text up to three times, allowing you to scan through the content with the least possible strain on your eyes. The acrylic lens also provides a distortion free reading experience, which is a welcome break from traditional reading glasses.