It’s Time To Change The Way You Looked At Time!

Although KoKo Muo looks like a regular watch; it isn’t. It’ll change the way you looked at watches. Innovation is evident in the dial rather than the overall look of the watch. The two hands of the watch have gone missing. This is no digital watch but very very analog. The only difference is the arches have hijacked the hands and the movements of the hands have been replaced by the coloring of the arch.

Koko Muo

Spanish Designer, Azahara Morales aka Löytö Esineiden is the person behind this design.

Koko Muo 2

The design itself speaks volumes about the designer. It appears to me that the designer’s creativity is not limited to re-inventing the look and feel of a given product. In fact, she believes in changing the rules of the game, yet keeping it simple.

Koko Muo dial

You could also read about other interesting futuristic concepts in the watch segment such as, the radar watch design, iwatch apple concept, and time on air wrist watch.