Cassette Tape Doormat Evokes Memories of Good Old Eighties

Some things have an universal appeal and evoke similar feeling and sense of nostalgia in people across the globe. In the computerized era of cds, dvds, pen drives, external hard drives, MP3 players etc we all have forgotten good old cassette player/ recorder and cassettes.  Here is a Cassette Tape Doormat that evokes memory of good old eighties when there were very few entertainment options and we all stacked and displayed voluminous cassette tapes of our favourite singers on our desks instead of thin dvds.

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Cassette Tape Doormat is made of rubber and is highly washable and it measures 60cm x 38 cm. There are a range of doormats which differ in color combination but each one is exact replica of different types of cassette tapes which were available then.


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The Cassette Tape Doormat looks very stylish and will suit any home and its costs $49.99. It is sad that old has to make a way for the new and old must exist only as a decorative item. But that is how it is because everything must evolve.

If you are a geek who is looking for more geeky doormat designs then do take a look at IP Adress Doormat and Computer Keyboard Doormat.
