Does Your Bicycle Bend Like Kevin Scott’s?

The bike thieves will now have to take the real pain or perhaps will have to return with nothing in hand, thanks to the revolutionary bike concept of Kevin Scott who recently with his an amazing yet ordinary looking folding bike have been able to create much of the sensation.

bendy bicycle

There is only one thing about his bike and that only is enough for this bike to promote itself from the rows of ordinary bikes to one that has a mastermind behind its creation. Such incredible Anti Theft locking system has been exhibited through this bike that one will really have to think twice while believing it.


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Going straight to the unique characteristic of this bike, it can easily be folded around a lamp post or a pole and then can be locked without leaving a single scope for the thieves to try their hands on it. The locking system of this bike is so one-of-a-kind that you will not have to think about getting an extra locks or chains. Simply park your bike anywhere close to a lamp post, wrap it around and step away with the least of worry for it.

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Now the main thing is how does this bike get wrapped around a pole and what is it made of? The bike is actually made by using a ratchet system which means the whole frame of the bike is made by converting the ratchet system into the bike.

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The result is that the frame of the bike gets folded and it can be bent in such a way that both the wheels of the bike can be tied together by folding it around a pole and then locked. On first looking into it while being folded, you definitely will need a few minutes to sum out what this thing actually is.

Kevin Scott, 21 years old graduate from the De Montfort University, has thought about this revolutionary idea and he is currently attending the New Designers show that is being held at the Business Design Centre in Islington, north London to exhibit his creation. A much praise-worthy job, this bike concept has left the bikers with the hope of having their own bike again and protecting it the way they want from the thieves. The notable factor at this context is that London is experiencing stealing of the bikes at a shocking rate of more than 52 bikes daily. If that is so, then I think everybody needs to thank Kevin for his this great invention.

Check out Top 12 Bicycle Designs and Concepts that would make you say wow! If you an earth lover, you would be glad to read about DIY Green Cycle And Scooter.

Via: Dailymail