Sci-fi Inspired Watch Design To Make Neo Re-think His Fashion Sense

At first glance, Maciej’s watch concept does not appear to be a watch, or any other time measuring device for that matter. It has a striking design, but one would assume it to be some kind of an alien communicator. Or, with the black and green palette, something out of the Matrix at the very least.

Maciej Mandrysz from Poland describes his asymmetric Tokyoflash design as simple, modern, and clean. He also reveals that he was inspired by a sci-fi computer interface. He keeps the exact details of the inspiration to himself, which is probably good. The design is so striking, I’d wear it purely to look cool, as it might take some time to actually read time. But it is quite straightforward once you get the hang of it. There are green LED strips, and they are what the conventional clock face would be in an ordinary watch. The 12 LEDs on the left represent hours; then there are 10 LEDs in the center which represent minutes in groups of ten. The last strip on the right, consisting of 9 LEDs, represent single minutes.


Alien watch time

Apart from time reading, the actual design is quite striking as well. The strap is curved to fit around the wrist, and the “clock face” is more striking with the corners cut at a 45 degree angle, and is slightly curved as well to fit in with the rest of the design. I personally like the look of the time digits, if you can call it that. The hour LEDs are rectangular and bold. The 10-minute groups in the center appear to be either circular or hexagonal, and the single minute digits are slanted. They also appear less bold. Each time set is separated by a thin green strip, also curved at the bottom. The green most definitely plays a huge part in the “wow” factor of the watch. It gives it a modern, as well as out of this world look.

alien watch

For some reason, the watch design reminds me of something from The Matrix. Possibly because they’ve combined green with a sleek black. Regardless of what exactly inspired it, it looks like something NEO would wear, don’t you think? I also found these designs very interesting: Cobra LED Watch and LED Analog Clock

via: Tokyoflash