Walyou Random Roundup [September 25, 2010]

Walyou Random Roundup for September 25, 2010 includes Batman, Super Mario Anatomy, HTC Mozart, Laptop Thief, Twitter Flaw, Tea Infusers, Bottle Opener Tricks, Cassette Tapes and much more. As always, we hope you have a wonderful weekend and also enjoy the roundup.

super mario anatomy artwork image

1. 31 Ways to Open a Beer Bottle Without a Bottle Opener (URLesque)


2. 19 Geeky Tea Infuser Design (GadgetHer)

3. The King Of Kong Once Again The King Of Kong (Kotaku)

4. The 9 Best Mirror Pep Talks (Maxim)

5. Mario’s Anatomy (WiiNoob) Via Jason Freeny

6. Super Nintendo Chalmers (ForkParty)

7. Bendable battery allows gadgets to take any shapes (TechChee)

8. Twitter Has a Mouse Over Security Flaw (TFTS)

9. Why Aren’t They Making Movies About MySpace? (HolyTaco)

10. The Most Terrifying Job In The World (AskMen)

11. The New Look Dell Inspiron 14R (Geek With laptop)

12. Batman Slot Car Race Track Set (GadgetHim)

13. Mini-Comic Shaped Like Cassette Tape Mixes It Up (Comics Alliance)

14. Stupid Laptop Thief Video Chats With Victim’s Friends (Asylum)

15. Israel 1/3: Streetart in Tel Aviv (Mathias Richel)

16. HTC Mozart Video Leak Shows WP7 Features (Coated)

17. Funny Suitcase Stickers that May or My Not Allow You to Cross the Border (Freshome)

18. Simply put, Gansta Fail in the house (the Chive)

19. Awareness iPhone App Brings Outside Noise to Music (GadgetVenue)

20. weezy Plays Music, Does Not Make Juice (Gearlog)