Google TV Devices to Launch Later this Month including Remote Controller Keyboard

A synergy of television, apps, search, and the entire web comes a step closer to completion as the official Google blog hints toward Google TV powered devices launching this month.

google tv remote control keyboard

Google TV 1
When companies like Google, Intel, Sony, and Logitech co-develop something, you know it’s going to be good. Continuing their trend of releasing innovative and well thought out products, Google announced Google TV about five months ago. With Google TV, Google aims to open up the living room, and enable new and innovative ways to access content.


Google TV 3

Google TV devices including the Remote Controller Keyboard will be powered by Android (What can’t that little robot do?), and viewers will be able to access video content using the dynamic duo Google Chrome and Flash. We’ve seen living room devices access online videos before, though with limitations. A good example is YouTube on Nintendo Wii. Google TV is a whole different ball game though, as you can watch web videos, play Flash games, view photos, read movie reviews, or chat with friends without leaving your comfy couch. Furthermore, you can search across channels, apps, and the entire web simultaneously.

Google TV 2

The power of Google also means that major content providers will be optimizing their content for Google TV. Companies like Turner Broadcasting, NBC Universal, HBO, and NBA are all set to provide enhanced content. Movies will be made available for rental and purchase by Amazon Video on Demand and Netflix. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, as sites like The New York Times, Pandora, Napster, Twitter,, etc. will also be providing optimized content.

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Will Google TV be for television what iPhone is for cellphone? We’ll just have to wait and see. Hit on the video to see the apps in action.

Can’t get enough of all things TV? Check out this awesome Television and Radio Amplifier and the revolutionary Eye TV Hybrid by the folks at Elgato.

Via: Official Google Blog and ABC