Web-Enabled Digital Microscope Camera For Things You Can’t See!

You might have used or heard about different types of cameras, but there is something unique about the new Web-Enabled Digital Microscope Camera. Enjoy zooming up to 300x to simply examine objects with the minutest details that an ordinary human eye can’t see.

Web-Enabled Digital Microscope Camera

This USB microscope camera lets you enjoy snapping high resolution photos of almost everything you see. The camera features LED lights that illuminate digital video for a clear and clean view of photos. Sharing what you see with this camera with your friends is a pure fun and when you use it, you, too, will realize it.


This Digital Microscope Camera is a superb camera that can capture JPEG images at 640 x 480 pixel resolution. There is an adjustment wheel in this camera that helps you to zoom in from 10x to 300x with ease.

Web-Enabled Digital Microscope Camera 1

This camera is widely used for skin diagnosis, jewelry examination, hair checking, education learning, money checking, circuit boards, examining electronics, small parts examination, and quality control inspection. Basically, the purpose of this camera is to help you check the quality of a thing that can’t be seen by the naked eye.

This amazing new camera comes fitted with an image sensor of 300K pixel CMOS that provides a magnification of 10x ~ 300x. There is a powerful 4G lens incorporated in Web-Enabled Digital Microscope Camera along with a high speed USB 2.0 interface. Operating systems like Windows XP/ Vista support this USB Microscope camera.

Web-Enabled Digital Microscope Camera 2

There is an easy to use snapshot button for instant image capture in this Web-Enabled Digital Microscope Camera. Hardly any USB camera was web-enabled before the invention of this amazing camera that can transmit image to base via a wireless connection. You can easily connect it with a computer via USB connection, and charge its battery via a USB cable. Approximate wireless range for using this camera is 2 meters.

Web-Enabled Digital Microscope Camera 3

Now, the most awaited information about Web-Enabled Digital Microscope Camera is that, instead of its earlier price of $200.00, you can now get it in just $129.95, which means you save $70.05 on its purchase. When you buy Web-Enabled Digital Microscope Camera, you will get a USB cable, User guide, and an installation CD in its whole kit. Looking at small stuff with this camera is simply great and this has been said by a number of users who have already bought this camera.

Check out some cool digital cameras such as Japanese Underwater Digital Camera, Holga D is a Digital Cam that looks like a Toy Cam, and Night Vision Digital Video Camera.