Moonse E-7001 Android Tablet Attracts with a Low Price Point

Undoubtedly, we live in the age of tablets. In the blue corner, we have the leading contender (so far!) the Apple iPad, and in the red, a plethora of attractive Android based tablets. The Moonse E-7001 a.k.a the aPad/iRobot is an entry level Android tablet that’ll let you get to know the little guy a little better.

iRobot Horizontal 2

We’ve seen the release of a multitude of tablet PCs recently, notably from Chinese and Korean manufacturers. Though debate rages on about the one which provides the best user experience, for the average user, it all boils down to individual needs. A well executed mid-range Android tablet should be adequate for most.


iRobot Vertical View

The most attractive feature of the Moonse E-7001 Android tablet is the price and the features somewhat reflect it. You can get your hands on one for a mere $129.99.

Spec-wise we’ve seen better. It packs a “Dual Core” (600Mhz ARM backed up with a 500Mhz DSP) processor and runs the Cupcake (1.5) flavor of Android coupled with a 7″ (800 x 480) resistive touchscreen. We’re not very excited about the resistive touchscreen, as resistive screen devices seem to be eons behind their capacitative counterparts.

iRobot Horizontal Keyboard

There’s 2GB of internal storage with the ability to expand via a SDHC slot, 801.11b/g WiFi, accelerometer, mic, and headphones jacks. Also, something which puts this device in contrast to the iPad is the presence of Flash Lite. In response to questions about the product, the company claims that the device is capable of being updated, but if it will, it remains to be seen. The evolution of Android occurs dramatically with every release, and Froyo (2.2) is certainly a farcry from Cupcake (1.5). You can’t really embrace the awesomeness of an Android device without being able to update.

Check out Android tablets of a different calibre, like the recently announced Dell Android tablet, and the Viewsonic Viewpad 7.

Via: Shenit