Nothing Mini About the Lego Dynamo Torch Minifig

Lego, dynamo, and eco-friendliness… The amalgamation of these three things into one product can only be a good thing. This Lego Dynamo Torch “minifig” is an officially licensed LEGO collectible, and you can be sure a product made by Lego and sold by Thinkgeek won’t be a lightweight.Dynamo Torch In Use
My affinity for all things Lego started early in my childhood when while waiting for a flight at Changi airport in Singapore, I discovered they had tables in the waiting room loaded with lego blocks to spare the adults the agony of bored children. A cluster of simple lego bricks meant endless possibilities, and you could unleash your imagination and let it run wild.

e600 Dynamo Torch
Since then, Lego has expanded its product line exponentially, branching into video games and even launching a robotics line of toys called “Mindstorms.”  Today I’m bringing you another cool Lego product from geek gadget heaven, otherwise known as Thinkgeek.

e600 Dynamo Torch Scale
I vaguely recall purchasing a Faraday torch from Thinkgeek a long time ago. Whereas the Faraday torch required “shaking” to charge the built in generator, the Lego Dynamo Torch requires you to turn the crank, thus doing away with the need to search for batteries in the dark, which isn’t just eco-friendly, but also saves money. As this is a Lego figurine, the heads, arms, and legs are all poseable. Be warned though, this is a minifig only by name as it measures a good 7.5″ tall. Once the generator is charged, the light comes out from the little guy’s feet.


The torch is for geeklings ages 5 and up due to its small parts, and for a paltry price of 24.99, you can’t really afford to miss out on an officially licensed collectible, can you?

Like all online geek communities, the folks at Thinkgeek love Lego. Check out some of their other goodies, like the Lego Brick Construction T-shirt and the Baby Geek R/C Ducati.