Share Your Moments, Share Your Life, Share PATH

There are many Social Networks out there, all promising to be better than the others. Path is such a network, but with a difference. It is The Personal Network, and it is available in iPhone’s AppStore.In a nutshell, Path is not going to replace any of the functions you currently enjoy from the different social networks you might be using. For example, Microsoft Recently Launced The Windows Live Messenger For iPhone, a poplular IM service. Path does not compete with MSN, FaceBook, Twitter, and the like. It is merely a personal space, meant to compliment the other services you use. Somewhere you can feel free to breathe, to be yourself, and share you (visual) memories with your close friends. Path is built around the concept that you should capture every valuable moment in your life, and share it with people.

Personally, Path seems like the answer to my obsession and addiction. Weird as it may sound, I really enjoy capturing random moments “on the go,” and uploading them to FaceBook and Tumblr. In fact, I have albums and categories on various sites, titled “A Day In The Life Of…” where I submit random images I take throughout the course of the day, the week, the month. Or “For The Love Jozi,” an album specifically for images I take in and around Johannesburg, South Africa. My BlackBerry goes every where with me, because I never know when I’ll see something I want to capture and share.



On Path, you simply take a photo with your iPhone, and add a story around it. Add text, tags of people, places, and objects.  Everything you need to collect your memories for your path through life. You are completely in control of who sees your images, the glimpses of your life. The rule is “no following, no friending,” meaning people who don’t follow you won’t be able to access your Path. Your privacy is secured. Path has a feature called “See,” which will give you an idea which of your friends have seen the moment in real time. This is based on the notion that understanding, and ultimately sharing an experience, enables trust amongst friends and family.

Path 2

Path is also all about exploring.  So much context (tags of people, places, and objects) are embedded in each moment you share on Path. All your “moments” can thus be seen on a map of the world. This is the first of many features and visualizations that can be expected in the future. To get started, simply get Path from the iPhone AppStore. Non-iPhone users can also register and browse Path on the web.

Another cool iPhone application that might tickle your fancy is Fiddme,  a Delicious Interactive Food Blog and iPhone App

Via: Path