JAYS are no newcomers to the audio world and continue to provide a wide selection of various music solutions for the variety of individuals out there. We got our hands on the a-Jays Three Earphones and the V-Jays Headphones and were impressed with the features and abilities.
a-Jays Three Earphones:
The a-Jays Three is the top of the a-Jays series which provide great sounding earbud earphones that grant great sound along with a cool design and great practicality.
Starting with the packaging, the Swedish company Jays made sure you are proud of owning one of their products. They packed up the Earphones in a compact and stylish package that makes you feel as if it is some confidential artifact that is for your eyes only. At first, it is a little weird to open up, but once you do, you find an overall presentation that deliver a professional feel (see pics).
The Jays-Three come along with 5 different silicone tips, so you are certain the best fit will be provided. Moreover, an earphone splitter is also included, so you are able to watch movies or listen to music along with someone else, without having to divide your earphones between the two of you. The set continues with some added fun such as the Airplane adapter, for travel use, and also a compact and sleek case to carry your earphones when on the go. The latter is an actual hard case that makes perfect sense when keeping your earphones in your pocket or bag when not in use. Moreover, for geeks it will resemble a new Pacman, so it is an unnecessary added value
The cables themselves are something we haven’t seen before, for they are absolutely flat, aiming to solve the tangle headache. While I personally never had a major problem with earphone tangle, the Jays Three stir away from it and do so with the innovative flat cable.
What about the sound?
At first try, I was immediately impressed with the calrity and extra bass. The Jays Three may not be the best solution for those that are interested in just Bass or the over-the-top thumping, but for an everyday use who wants some extra…they a-Jays deliver it wonderfully. In addition, the a-Jays Three fit extremely snug in your ears and with different sound volumes, continued to grant amazing sound. Overall, we were highly impressed with the overall sound, clarity and feel of the Jays Three and with the extras that come in the package, we had an overall contentment with such a product.
V-Jays Headphones:
The V-Jays Headphones are a different breed than the a-Jays. These earphones first strike in their different design, which is extremely light weight, collapsible and include actual foam earpads. As in sound, they are meant to provide a superior bass and power, which along with their design…aim at comfort.
As they are a Jays product, they did deliver good sound and performance, providing for a great balance. With the extremely light weight product, they made it feel as if we weren’t wearing them, and the earpads were more comfortable than from others we tried. These are definite bonuses that are wonderful for heavy listeners…especially on the go.
Still, we must admit that we didn’t fall head over heels over the V-Jays. It could be because after we already tried out the a-Jays, and this felt like a step down, but it could also be because of its actual design; the features which some would appreciate felt a little flimsy for us, and the earpads weren’t as comfortable for us as actual earbuds. Still, this could be because of personal taste, for if you are looking for affordable, lightweight and great sound, the V-Jays did check that mark.
Besides the a-Jays and V-Jays, JAYS have many other models that are made for sound superiority. You can check out all the JAYS products at their official site.
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