Remote Control in a Pillow – Watching TV couldn’t get anymore Comfortable

In the words of Jules Renard, “Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.” I am positive most of us identify ourselves with the above quote. Especially in today’s day where change and innovation in technology and everything we use in our daily lives is happening so fast, and making life so much more convenient than what it used to be before, which in turn is making us lazy.

It is good to be lazy at times. Most of us enjoy watching the television after a long day at work, school, or somewhere else. So, here is a product that will make you lazier, relaxed, and enhance your experience of watching the television. In other words, redefine your experience of watching television. So, what is this product? The product is a pillow. You might be thinking what’s so great about a pillow? Well, this pillow is special and by that I mean that now you can control your TV with a pillow! Yes, you read it right, now you don’t have to use the remote control anymore, or go close to the TV in case the remote is too far from the TV for you to change the channel or volume. All you have to do now is control your TV setting with the help of a pillow.


The remote control pillow design has been created by Brookstone that comes in a soft brown color. The pillow is also very comfortable as it is made of soft material and has the ability to control around 6 different home theater devices.

The pillow has the same buttons as you see on any other remote control. The pillow remote control has databases which contain codes that allow it to be able to operate up to 6 different home theaters at once. It has easy to click fabric buttons, and also have power save auto shut off buttons that save the battery of the pillow from getting exhausted. The remote functions with the help of a wide ranger transmitter with infrared LED that is built in which supports the pillow in helping you control you TV.

This great remote control pillow comes for a price of $29.95, which is a great investment as there is no fear of losing your remote control ever, and fighting over the remote control with your siblings just got so much more fun and interesting!

Magic wand and other geeky Remote Control Designs are some other cool remote control designs that might be of your interest, too. Be sure to check them out!