Bocusini Food 3D Printer Looks for Funding on Kickstarter

Food 3D printing systems aren’t exactly a new thing, but the developers of Bocusini are firmly convinced that such devices should be found in every household out there.

What if instead of mixing ingredients and waiting to see if the recipe turns out right, you could simply select the amounts of each ingredient that goes in and watch as the dish is 3D printed right in front of you? Of course, this doesn’t apply for every kind of dish out there, but at least desserts could be manufactured this way.


The team behind this food 3D printing system spoke at great lengths on the Kickstarter page of the project about how Bocusini could revolutionize food 3D printing by making it mainstream:

“We are determined to open up the fascinating world of food printing for everyone. For this, we have developed Bocusini, the most affordable 3D food printing system. The Bocusini printer can be used right out of the box. It is plug & play. This makes it the perfect tool for creative chefs or confectioners as well as for creative end users.

Just plug in the printer, drag & drop your favorite designs from the Bocusini web platform, or easily create your own food ideas on your smart device – without prior software installation or food printing knowledge.”

For the time being, the number of cartridges that can be used for 3D printing food is limited, but more will be added as time goes by. For starters, people will be able to print using marzipan, choco and chewing gum. That’s definitely great news, especially since you can print up to 15 (miniature) skyscrappers using a single cartridge.

The Munich, Germany-based company is looking to raise €30,000 in the following 29 days, and things seem to be on the right path, as backers have already pledged more than half of the funding goal. If 3D printing food is something you’d like to do in the near future, head over to their Kickstarter page and back the project with €329 or more. Assuming that the campaign is successful (and most likely it will be), backers will receive their Bocusini in January (if they qualified as Early Birds) or March 2016. That’s about when 3D printing mania will hit its apogee.

Be social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter, and read more related stories about the Foodini pizza 3D printer, or the liquid metals that give 3D printing a twist.