250,000 Books Used to Create Large Maze

Ever get lost in a book? Well, with this maze, you will get lost going around and around walls made out of books!

With the London 2012 Festival soon to be underway, there are numerous events and spectacles going all around the great city. If you are there to catch the games, be sure to chance out aMAZEme – a huge maze that is being made using 250,000 books! Marcos Saboya and Gualter Pupo are two Brazilian artists spearheading this amazing project. When completed, the walls will be over 13 feet high and cover approximately 5,000 square feet.


Come and take a walk through this maze of books. Along the walls there will be screens showcasing images of different works of art plus well known literary quotes. And do not forget the schedule of authors who will be reading their works right inside the maze.

And if that isn’t enough, as guests are leaving, they are encouraged to pick up any of these used and new books to take home and read.

Talk about a whole new and interesting way to enjoy books!

(Via: My Modern Met)

Want to see more interesting things people have done with books? If so, check out this portrait of Mark Zuckerberg made out of books or a new art form known as book carving.