Amazing Cake With 5 Classic Games Depicted In It

Classic games are sweet, but we never considered them to be heavy in calories. Someone with real baking skills has just proven us wrong, though, and now we have yet another reason to break our diets.

Frogger, Pac-man, Donkey Kong, Tetris and Pong have in common not only the fact that they’re classics that defined early gaming, arcades and home consoles, but also that they share space in this cake created by the Cake Haute Couture people. The following set depicts each of the faces belonging to the games and the upper side with Pong on it.



The cake is a tribute to the classics, and proof of that is that it even includes an arcade style joystick and two buttons by it. Nice touch!


Source: That’s Nerdalicious

There’s more material you can check out, just as sweet and rich in calories at SNES Controller Cake: Stop Playing, Star Eating and Dreamcast Cake Celebrates The Sega Console’s 13th Birthday.