Facebook Business Cards Won’t Get You New Friends


Facebook addicts may like to take their Facebook accounts with them to the real world with the Facebook business cards. They may not get you any extra friends, but at least you can flaunt your profile picture everywhere.

Created by artist Jean-Baptiste Gouraud, these simple business cards present your Facebook profile picture, and a little snippet of your account page. The photo albums, wall messages, pokes, applications and the rest of the things making Facebook an actual social network will still have to remain on your computer or iPhone, but it is a cool design nonetheless.


Using these Business Card design, many could still be addicted to Facebook and remain loyal, just do it outside their home as to get a breathe of fresh air. Provide it to a colleague, partner or acquaintance, and hopefully they will confirm your friendship, use the contact details of the cards and poke the hell out of you Online.

If you want additional Facebook fun, you can learn how to resize Facebook profile pictures, show the ugliest profile with the easy Facebook prank, or once and for all ignore facebook application invites.

Via: Gearfuse