Feedback Skate – Advanced Measuring System for Speed Skating

The performance of a speed skater has always been judged by trainers. There has never been one particular device that can measure the speed and other performance factors of a skater. Coaches can for sure judge skaters, but they can’t really tell you the speed and the average speed you maintain in one particular lap. It has always been one disappointing factor for skaters.

But, here is the good news! This new Feedback Skate device has been developed specifically to cater for such needs of skaters. Coaches would no longer need to use a stop watch to find out the time being spent on one lap. And, of course this quantitative device will reckon the speed as well.


This one device can give skaters the power to rectify their moves as per requirement. The product utilizes a number of sensors, and low-tech computer power. The experiment carried out with this device was quite successful. The measurements by the device were quite accurate. Moreover, the best part is that skaters won’t really need to buy any specific gadget or apparel for it. All they need to do is to attach this device to their skating equipment, and get the measurements while they roll on the floor.

The device has a waist belt and needs to be wrapped around the waist. Three boxes are clipped on the belt. Two of them are for receiving the signals, whereas the middle one is for computing the perceived signals. The two side boxes have wires need to be clipped on the blades of your skates. Once clipped, they will be able to monitor the movements. The device is not only capable of measuring speed, but it can also quantify the glides, push-off movements, and of course, reposition movements.

With all this, the skater will be able to reckon his performance in a better way. Each and everything regarding to the movements would be computed, and he can easily know where he needs improvement.

The product has been designed by Erik Driessen, and is currently not available commercially. For sure it is one great device for skaters, but I guess they will have to wait for it to come out.

If you are a skater looking for some good accessories, you would love these: The Orbit Wheels and The Protective Helmet.