Hulu Plus Comes to (Some) Android Phones

Being able to watch television shows wherever you are has long been one of the better additions to all the new tech that has been released over the last few years.  Hulu Plus has been trying desperately to take advantage of that.

Of course, people who are buying tablets and the bigger, better smartphones are wanting to be able to watch television on their devices too and outside of Netflix and a few limited ABC programs, it has been extremely hard to get coverage from programs such as Hulu Plus.  Slingbox is looking to bring live television to all sorts of different Google TVs and while Hulu Plus is charging for use on the iPad, there are ways to watch other flash programs using different browsers on the iPad.  Still one area that has been lacking for Android users is the ability to watch Hulu Plus and it appears that is finally being rectified.


Of course, even when Hulu Plus finds a way to get onto Android devices, they don’t do it exactly right.  While Hulu Plus has become available for a very select few Android phones but there is still no Hulu Plus for the larger majority of smartphones and at the moment there are no Android tablets that are able to get the Hulu Plus app.  As of right now the Nexus One, Nexus S, HTC Inspire 4G, Motorola Droid II, Motorola Droid X, and the Motorola Atrix are the only Android devices that support the Hulu Plus app.  On the Hulu blog, the company has said that they do expect to be able to offer the free app to additional Android devices over the coming year.  Unfortunately for those of us who have Android tablets or any of the smartphones that are not currently able to access the app, there is no timetable currently laid out for when we will be seeing additional devices.  As always, the app itself is free, but you do need to have a monthly subscription to Hulu Plus in order to watch the content.  One bonus is that if you are not currently a subscriber you can get one week free to see if the service is for you.