“iPad 2” Parody Brings Laughter and Snipes at Justin Bieber

A Norwegian review of the “iPad 2” appeared on YouTube last week. Although Steve Jobs is not starring, the green screen hands-on is still epically entertaining.

iPad 2 AKA iMac

The video was created by a Eskild E. Fors, Anders Overgaard and presumably Fors’ brothers with what can only be brilliant Final Cut Pro or iMovie skills, and a love for Apple-poking mischief.


In the film, Eskild introduces the “iPad 2” by holding up his 27” iMac in his arms without its stand in sight. A giant overlay of the iPhone OS is then demonstrated on the iMac’s giant display with less than perfect touch response.

Eskild shows off a wide variety of ridiculous features including voice-controlled photo editing and taking (say “photo”), music selection (it self-destructs upon Bieber import) and video editing. Eskild says it also includes great speakers with deafening bass. The “iPad 2” will apparently also offer fun new applications such as “iDrawingboard”, “iFoodtray” and the “iShotgun” among other outrageous concepts. See the hilarity for yourself below:

We definitely can see the novelty of the “iPad 2”, but we’re a little worried about its practicality. Jogging with that twenty pound all-in-one mac (Err; I mean, tablet), looks a bit difficult. We’re also concerned that Eskild actually took a knife to his own $1200 iMac for this spoof for the cutting board app.

Warranty or not, I really doubt “iPad 2 mock-up video” is included under Apple’s terms of use agreement, but it’s certainly a fun title to get YouTube hits, which are now over 400,000.