A Beer Monitor? There’s an App For That

In my travels through the seemingly endless halls of the app store, I’ve come across a lot of seemingly useless and borderline stupid applications. There really does seem to be an app for that, whether you want there to be or not!

Now if you told me you wanted to make an application that will use your iPad as a beer monitor, I would tell you that it is neither stupid nor useless! Thus, we have the Kegmate.


The Kegmate was apparently developed by a bunch of engineers at Yelp since they love hacking AND beer (what an odd combination). The so-called kegbot measures the amount of beer flowing, displays information about the beer, keeps track of who has been drinking from the keg (thanks to an RFID tag), and naturally monitors the temperature of the beer as well. I don’t know about you, but I don’t recall seeing this at the last frat party I went to. Then again, your average college student doesn’t really care about the temperature of the beer or who’s been drinking what, just as long as the booze keeps flowing, eh?

The monitor uses a variety of sensors to accomplish this task, and the video does a good job of showing us the how and the why of the Kegmate. Beer gadgetry is a bit of a tradition amongst nerds who love the sauce, as we’ve seen here on Walyou. I mean take a look at this R2D2 Heineken Robot Sculpture or this Beerbot Bottle opening shirt. That’s some clever alcohol-based swag!

Via:  Daily iPhone Blog