The Mixtape is Back! Presenting the Cassette Tape iPhone Case

How I remember those days when my brother and I’d listen to the Beatles and Bon Jovi and Nirvana all day on the mixtape my friend made me. To this day, even with the CD and the iPod rendering the tape extinct, those memories continue to live on! So, to remind you and I of those epic mixtape days, here’s the classy orange cassette tape iPhone case.

Orange Cassette Tape iPhone Case 1

This iPhone case is an orange cassette tape and is designed to keep your iPhone, iPod or any other smartphone safe and scratch free, owing to its long lasting and scratch free felt and it has been spectacularly hand crafted to outlast any other felt case of its type.


Orange Cassette Tape iPhone Case 2

Imagine carrying your iPhone concealed in one of these cases. It would be an expression to die for looking at your friend’s face when you took your iPod or iPhone out of a mixtapes and you definitely can’t get any geekier (or old school) than this!

Orange Cassette Tape iPhone Case 3

This orange tape is up for $20 and serves as a great conversation starter with anyone and everyone. This tape case also makes a superb gift for any smartphone owner, who lived in the 80s and 90s and had loads of mixtapes. I’m definitely getting one of these tape cases for my friend who made me those great mixtapes that I’d play air guitar to for days on end!

If you’re looking for other cool cases to drape your iPhone, be sure to check out the Nintendo Gameboy iPhone Case and the Chocolate iPhone Case.