Decorate your home with iPhone Icon Pillows


If you are a tech enthusiast and have a geeky apartment to match your taste, these geeky pillows would be the perfect accessory to add some spice to your abode for they sport the ever so popular iPhone Icons. Even if you are not a geek and don’t feel at home with the latest gadgets, you can still have these pillows to add some fun quotient to your home.



These iPhone Icon Pillows come in various designs from which you may have your pick. Handmade from fleece, these iPhone icon pillows come in sizes of 12 inches by 12 inches.


Some of the designs that are popular with the shoppers are the pillows available with the iPod icon, the SMS icon, the Mail icon, and the Phone icon that you will find on the home screen of iPhone. You may even have a customized pillow by putting forth your request for the same.


So, act now to have one of these pillows for yourself.


You will need to shell out $14.99 each for these iPhone icon pillows or you could check the alternatives icons of the iPhone Icons Buttons set or the Icons Fridge Magnets.

Etsy’s Via: Geeky Gadgets