11 Awesome KGB Cold War Spy Gadgets

Man, it was cool back in the Cold War. Bad guys were easily identified: Russians if you were living in Western Europe, Americans if you were in the USSR. Today, it’s all a lot more complicated for everyone.

Spies are still something that’s all around us, or at least those of us who are important. If we’re lucky, we’ll never actually get to see one of these babies being used in our vicinity.

Poison Dart-Shooting Umbrella

Poison Dart Shooting Umbrella


Cyanide Gun

Cyanide Gun

A gun that fires a duel cyanide charge, killing almost instantly.

Decoder Lock Picks

Decoder Lock Picks

Coat Jacket Camera

Coat Jacket Camera

Shoe Tracker

Shoe Tracker

A transmitting device inside of a heel, used for tracking.

Wristwatch Camera

Wristwatch Camera

Authentic KGB Disappearing Ink Pen

KGB pen

Glove Pistol

Glove Pistol

Originally developed by the US Navy, this was later copied by the Soviets. In order to fire the pistol, the wearer pushed the plunger into his target’s body.

Hollow Coin to Conceal Microfilm

Hollow Coin

Lipstick Gun

Lipstick Gun

The Spy Bolt

Spy Bolt

That’s how real spies deliver messages or certain, tiny, valuables.

For a bit more on weapons, the kind that never got completed, check out 7 Secret Weapons That Were Never Completed

(Via: copyranter)