Lego Digital Camera Is A Great Way To Get Kids Into Photography

A picture is worth a thousand words –  rightly said, and this new camera is here just to teach that little truth of life to over a thousand of children around the world, so that they realize the worth of a single picture. The new Lego Digital Camera is something that will surely ignite the fire of photography in your kid, this is just the perfect thing for all our young budding photographers who aim to get the whole world a little closer through their art.

Lego digital camera

This is a fully functional 3 mega pixel camera that has an 1.5 inch LCD display fitted into it. Made completely with the multicolored Lego bricks this new attachment can fit into any of your existing Lego creations, the motto of the product is You can Build It but You cannot Break it!. The camera has an internal memory of 128 MB, that approximately equals 80 photographs, it has an in built flash and an automated focus, which is just perfect for our little kids. Running on lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, and weighing just 1 pound, this Lego cam can easily be handled any kid with the minimal amount of safety issues.


Lego digital cam

The Lego Digital camera sells for only $59.99, a very decent price I would say. Still, if you are looking for something more professional you can always check out the cool new Olympus with the 26X zoom, that will leave no feature un-captured.

cool Lego digital camera