Microsoft Releases Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 2

Most of us refrain from using Internet Explorer no matter how many releases and versions Microsoft announces.

However, when Microsoft announced the IE10 Platform Preview 2, many reviewers have begun to feel that things may get better for those who still like Internet Explorer. Firstly, the visual appeal of the browser has increased, and it does look more rich, textured and minimalist than it ever did. Microsoft also has included support for web workers.


Developers can use web applications while complex JavaScripts are running in the background. For the normal user, this means that you will not have your IE getting hung anymore (or so we must hope). Thanks to greater support for iframe isolation and the HTML5 sandbox, there would also be more security and many security loopholes shall be closed for good. One must remember that Internet Explorer may be unappealing and the least preferred browser for net-savvy people around the world, but it is still one of the most secure browsers.

Developers can also benefit from support for CSS3 Positioned Floats, Media Query Listers, HTML5 and more. At the moment, the browser is at a very initial stage, and does not have anything that you could play around with. It does not even have a Back or Forward button, and it does not have a toolbar or an address bar. The preview can be downloaded and run over Windows-7 only, and may create conflicts if you use IE8.

It would be surprising for most of you to learn that much of the non-tech, non-geek masses still use Internet explorer, even in the American heartland. This also includes the older generation who learned to use the Internet on IE, and refuse to move ahead from there. While one cannot say that IE 10 when released would dethrone Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, it has at least begun to compete with major browsers without looking like a total loser.

If you dislike Internet Explorer a lot, you could read about the Kill Internet Explorer 6 movement which was popular sometime back. You could also get hold of a Voodoo Doll in order to kill older versions of Internet Explorer.