A Real Tie Fighter: Necktie Tying Robot

There’s no denying it guys, we’ve all been there; the debacle that is the ritualistic task of tying a tie. Whether it’s a special occasion, an important interview, or simply just one of those suit and tie kinda days, the difference between a perfectly executed half-windsor and a sloppy classic is not only totally noticeable, it can be the clincher in how people perceive you. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who’d sacrifice the “that young man’s sure got it together” look in favor of the “someone should have looked in the mirror before leaving the house today.” Luckily, thanks to one Mr. Seth R. Goldstein, there exists a robot that will not only tie your favorite gaudy, thrift-store necktie, but untie it … in a  perpetual loop.


Described as a “kinetic sculpture” – though again, for our purposes, we’ll refer to it as a robot … because it totally is one – this piece, with cold calculation, can tie and untie a necktie in little over two-minutes. From the leisure safety of your computer chair, you might be thinking “that’s not very impressive,” but consider how many times you inevitably tie, untie, and retie in order to get your windsor “just right.” Tie-bot, while seemingly a hodge-podge contraption consisting  of numerous wheels, chains, arms, and a roller (though I’m not trying to downplay it here, the nature of its construction and function are leagues beyond my understanding), appears to be capable of doing the job with a genuinely satisfactory result, the first time ’round.

So, for those who consistently find themselves Googling “how to tie a tie,” perhaps you should consider contacting the mad scientist behind this creation to see if you can work out some sort of visitation or one-on-one training program. This is one bot who has the dexterity and unwavering hand-clamps to fashion a windsor fit for a king.

If you’re a fan of machines completing relatively mundane tasks, check out this brainy Rubik’s Solving Robot and this impressive Ball Balancing Robot.

Via: Geekologie