Pac-Man, Milan And Barcelona Fill Up Stadiums

Who says that Pac-Man fans don’t belong in stadiums? Who says geeks can’t appreciate the good sport? Because they’re clearly wrong.


In a really cool twist, at the last AC Milan vs. Barcelona football/soccer match at the San Siro stadium, we saw one of the geekiest ways of showing support ever. Above there’s a picture of the AC Milan fans displaying an enormous Pac-Man about to eat a ghost in the Barcelona colors. The writing in Italian (“Mangiamoli!”) means “Let´s eat them”. Sadly, this didn’t really affect the outcome of the match, which ended at a draw. Oh well, maybe next time.

This picture surfaced in Reddit first, but was featured in plenty of other blogs ever since, making it’s way to Kotaku, who pointed out this lead for us. Also, we seem to be in a bit of a Pac-Man craze as of late, as you can tell by some of our recent stories like Vintage 1980 Pac-Man Phone and Pacman Secret Hiding Spot: Get High Scores In A Breeze.