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Apple supporting the unlocked iPhone?

I must confess that I was originally interested in the iPhone but was immediately turned off by the 2-year contract it demands with AT&T. A few months passed and rebels managed to release it off its AT&T shackles by unlocking it for others. Louis Armstrong said it best: “What a Wonderful World”.

Since it first came out, people immediately tried to crack the safe and unlock this brand new, wonderful gadget. At this time, I was expecting mass media frenzy on the legal consequences involved in it, but instead read an overabundance of articles about a teenager facing a fine and imprisonment for filming 20 second of transformers (Consumerist). It seems that AT&T allowed people to try to unlock, but as soon as the iPhone was unlocked, the guns started blazing (Gizmodo and Business 2.0). For those that are somewhat interested but concerned about the legalities of the unlocking of the iPhone, Engadget tried to help you Know Your Rights.

So was the unlocking of the iPhone premeditated, is Apple actually encouraging it?

I think so. This collaboration of people throughout to solve this mystery is intriguing and freeing, not including the wonderful free press it gathers. How could this possibly be bad for Apple? In this situation, this one product brought hackers to break a code, developers to create applications, and people that do not even own an iPhone (yours truly) to write about it. Apple is creating a platform for others to build upon, but making it worthwhile by the intermediate obstacle course it created.

Should individuals be allowed to unlock the iPhone and choose their carriers, or not?

CNBC mentioned that while AT&T may be extremely angry at this unlocking, Apple may not be too concerned. Why is that? They expect to sell as many as a million iPhones in the next few months. It is much easier now that it is not locked for one carrier only.

The video is of the teenager (geohot) who has rose to the challenge and unlocked the iPhone.

Packaging turns into a TV stand

Check out this amazing packaging design from Tom Ballhatchet. The package can be turned into a TV stand that can support most TV’s. It’s fun to see that some people are still innovating and thinking of the consumer.

Clean your LCD screen

Many are familiar in cleaning the screen using a watered damp cloth. But in order to clean deeper dirt, such as finger prints, food stains (hopefully not), dried wet spots, and more, use a different mixture – half and half combination of 70% Isopropyl alcohol and water. While the computer is off, lightly spray a cloth and clean the screen. This method is not suggested by the likes of Apple, so please use at your own discretion and try to refrain from actually touching the screen with your hands.

By: NedRichards (Creative Commons)

Via: DIYLife

Printing costs too high?

The ink for our printers is rather expensive, but there are different ways to save money. This could be done by changing the settings prior to your next printing job. For example, if you print black and white, set so before printing. If you are printing something, which is not for presentation and just as a reference, the printing job could be set to low quality to save on ink. Web Worker Daily ran through some instructions for printing settings (here), including other ideas to reduce costs.

If you have any suggestions, please mention them in the comments for all to read.

Introducing Microsoft’s Zune Phone

After waiting for so long…

(via The secret diary of Steve Jobs)

What’s your brand?

Each one of us is an electronic evangelist in our own way. Whether we sell our friends on the sharpness of our Television, the sound of the speakers, or the enormous ability of our cell phones, we in fact make it a mission to explain its benefits. I sometimes consider us as independent crusaders roaming our lives to teach others about the “correct” brand of choice. We advertise the ability of our favorite brand, or preach against the use of another.

A mosaic of brand logosSo which is better: Sony or Toshiba Televisions, Microsoft or Apple, Canon or Nikon?What are your electronics’ brands of choice, and why?

Blog Day is coming!

On August 31st, 2007 Walyou
will join many world-wide in the
celebration of Blog Day. This is
a wonderful experience, for it is
a time for Bloggers throughout
the world to pay respect to other
Bloggers. On this specific day,
participants will post their top
5 favorite Blogs for all their visitors to see. In turn this will allow readers to leap around and discover new, unknown Blogs. Since this happens only once a year, please check back for our personal list. Who knows? you may discover a new Blog, or find out we read the same ones as you. Our personal recommendations will be presented with their links and a brief description.

If you are also a Blogger that celebrates Blog Day, please send us a link. We would like to view your recommendations as well.

Thank You!
For more information please check out Blog Day and Technorati.

That old TV: fix it or buy new?

My sister lives in London and recently mentioned that her old TV stopped working and is hesitating between fixing it or buying a new one (scrapping the old). I read a little on the subject in order to help her. Since I believe sharing your knowledge of problems and such could help others, I have written the information I found here for you.

The most common issue with Televisions are display problems (MSNBC). Most regular flat panel LCD screens are supposed to last for approximately 20 years, but problems can arise earlier with elongated use. In order to conserve screen life, it is advised not to leave it on when the image is frozen. Once checking on repair, if the price of repair is more than half the price of a new one it’s generally not worth it. Furthermore, repairmen are increasingly refusing to repair old TV sets smaller than 27 inch (link). If you decided to purchase a new one, for Televisions it is mentioned that more expensive DOES usually mean better quality. Don’t forget to check the warranty coverage in case of future problems.

Once the decision to buy a new TV is reached, the extended warranty dilemma arrives. Many different opinions are offered, and my personal one is that these are worth it for high-priced TV’s, for the repairs are generally expensive. These plans should range between 15%-20% of the product’s price. Lastly, instead of trashing your old Television, consider these alternatives: Sony Recycling Project, Goodwill, Salvation Army, Ebay Rethink, and Second Rotation, the latter offer the purchase of old electronics.

Picture by Beige Alert (Creative Commons License)

How to surf your favorite website directly from your desktop?

Out of millions of websites that are available on the internet today, only a handful succeed in becoming a part of our daily surfing activity. There are many favorites such as Google, Facebook, Apple or CNN, and we each have our own – the URL’s which are first or second to be typed into the address bar at the beginning of every websurfing session. Sometimes, “our very special” websites are even granted the privileged position of browser’s homepage. Yet, they will always remain at least “one click away” from us.

The cool trick, we are bringing to you in the video below, will walk you through the simple steps of how to set your favorite website as your new computer’s wallpaper. This will allow you to access and surf the website directly from your desktop, exactly as you would do using a regular browser. (Note: Does not work on Vista)

I rewrote for you the HTML code as it appears in the video:
——————————————————- copy ————————————–

<iframe src=”ADD THE URL OF YOUR FAVORITE WEBSITE”(i.ehttp://www.reddit.com/) width=100% height=100%>

——————————————————- copy ————————————–

click here to see the video at metacafe’s

Bread and Circuses

Good is a product of the ethical and spiritual artistry of individuals; it cannot be mass-produced.
– Aldous Huxley

The above statement sums up my feelings toward mass-production. What once was an improvement in the democratization of innovation has become a serious obstacle to it.

The advantages of mass production have long been praised:
– Reduction of nonproductive effort
– Reduction of probability for human error, and
– Scalability

These advantages, however, mostly benefit manufacturers, with the customers and employees left to pay the final price.

T. Adorno, a German sociologist, identified popular culture as a reason why people become passive. Adorno claimed that cheap thrills made available through popular culture made people docile and content. While this theory was developed more than half a century ago, it still seems relevant today. Are we truly satisfied with the all-in-one cell phones and half lemons or just persuaded we are?

Artists do not expect everyone to like their work; in fact, they hope for and even encourage critique. What they loathe is indifference. A true artist makes a statement that is genuine, and if people connect to that statement he or she is considered a success. In the end, the true artist has a set of values and principles that will never change; these are the values his followers expect.

Most marketing principles were derived from these basic ideas but have been twisted with time. True artistry has somewhat lost its place in today’s short-run focused corporate world. With the widespread adoption of the internet we have witnessed the power of crowdsourcing.

According to Prof. Eric Von Hippel, this phenomenon is not confined to the Internet. He believes users should play an important role in the product development process of any company. Apparently, while artistry has lost its place in the corporate world it has been flourishing in the users’ own homes. A well-known open source scholar, Karim Lakhani, posted examples on his blog.

Instead of perceiving customers and their needs as a nuisance, companies may use them as a resource for innovation. To know your users you have to become one of them or let them become one of you.

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