Qubea 3D’s Rever Is a 3D Printer for Your Family

With its sci-fi design and flexible operation, Qubea 3D’s Rever is a 3D printer that fits perfectly into any household.

3D printing is a technology that’s really just taking off now, so if you’re really anxious to see what the future (or Qubea 3D’s Rever 3D printer, for that matter) has in store for us, sit back and enjoy the ride. The Lewes, Delaware-based company behind Rever means to make 3D printing not only fun, but also something that the entire family can do. After all, not only geeks 3D print stuff, and I’m certain that all households could benefit from such a device, regardless if we’re speaking about 3D printing tools, toys, or kitchen appliances.


Qubea 3D explained on their Kickstarter page why Rever is unlike any other 3D printer currently available on the market:

“The idea behind the Rever began when we visited some local schools to investigate how 3D printing can revolutionize education. After hearing the positive feedback from teachers and students, and seeing the kids’ curiosity about new technology and their joy when they received their 3D printed items, we started work to develop the Rever, our unique, family-friendly 3D printer.”

“We knew that to be an option for most families, the Rever had to be affordable. We’ve invested in the molding and secure plastic base frame structure to give our customers as good a price as possible. That’s why we are able to offer The Rever for under $200 (early bird) on Kickstarter (our post-campaign price will remain family-friendly, but our backers are definitely getting special treatment for supporting us!)

As a leading developer of 3D printers, we have seen products like ours put to use across fields such as industrial design and medicine. 3D printing also has the potential to bring the joy of creativity to every home, but up till now, high cost, safety concerns and complex software have meant that having a 3D printer is not an option for most families. That’s why we designed the Rever – the world’s first affordable, safe family 3D printer.”

“The Rever fits seamlessly into any household. Fun and educational, our product is simple enough for children to use, while also offering flexibility for those of you who are technically-minded.”

In case you’re a 3D beginner and don’t have enough filament for printing everything you want, you always have the option to design the object in the companion app developed by Qubea 3D and outsource the project to a 3rd party that handles the software and the materials.

The developers are looking to raise $120,000 on Kickstarter within the next 28 days, and the amount pledged by backers at press time was nearly 25% of the funding goal. Early birds could secure a Rever 3D printer for themselves for $169, but those spots are long gone, so if you want a classic edition with a 0.5kg cartridge, you should pledge at least $219. This is quite a reasonable price, considering that the manufacturer plains to retail it for $399.

Be social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter, and read more related stories about the WASP Delta Top 1609 3D printer, or the Kickstarter campaign for the Bocusini food 3D printer.

[via Geeky Gadgets]