Samsung & Barnes & Noble team up for new Nook: why is it a great idea

The Kindle’s eternal competitor, the Nook is back with a vengeance as Samsung teams up with Barnes & Noble for its latest incarnation.


Amazon’s Kindle is, so far, considered the end-all, be-all of eBook readers, but what will happen once the noble competition Barnes & Noble team up with aces of hardware Samsung to produce its latest version? The two companies have scheduled an event for August 20th at New York City where they are expected to introduce their new, improved Nook.

So far called the Galaxy Tab 4 Nook, the device will sport a 7-inch display, and hope to compete with both the Kindle Fire HDX and Google’s Nexus 7. The Galaxy Tab 4 Nook will run on Android OS, and enjoy benefits from Samsung’s digital marketplaces & offerings. This is great news for users, as ever since introducing the Nook ebook reader back in 2009, B&N was barely able to compete by producing low-priced tablets, good enough to get the job done of letting users buy and read books, watch movies, play games, and so on, but never enjoying the full support of other dedicated devices. The Nook was always trapped between being an eBook reader and something else. With full Android support & Samsung’s hand at hardware, the device will most likely see fantastic improvement on performance, one of its weaker aspects, and non-eBook content availability.

If all goes well, users can expect a not-to-expensive tablet that doubles as eBook reader, and can excel at both. They’re working with the best, after all.

Via Venture Beat

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