Samsung introduces the Galaxy A7 at CES 2015

We still have to wait to see the next Galaxy S, but Samsung made up for it introducing the Galaxy A7 at CES 2015. It is one of the slimmest phones in the market, with a metal cover and premium hardware for a superior social experience.

Samsung A7 1

The Galaxy A7 combines powerful performance and multitasking capabilities with a beautiful design that allow users to capture and share each moment perfectly in their social networks platform.


Samsung A7 2

The Galaxy A7 is all about raw power and social interaction: it’s equipped with a multicore processor that combines two separate quadcores. It has 16 GB of memory and 2 GB of RAM so users can do as much multitasking as they desire. The frontal cam (can we just call it selfie cam?) is 5 megapixels, with plenty of advanced options to try out such as ‘Auto Selfie’ and ‘Ultra wide shot’, that let users shoot their photographs with a voice command or hand gesture. The device also uses ‘Always clear voice auto control’ to reduce environmental noise as well as LTE support 4 for quick loading of pictures and video to social media.

Samsung A7 3

The Galaxy A7 also has a private mode, which adds an extra security layer for important files of documents: just because you like social media doesn’t mean you have to give up on your privacy, right?

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