Setapp Lets You Show Off Your Apps, Get Recommendations

If you’re a geek, one thing you no doubt love is finding new and interesting apps and showing them off to others. A new site, Setapp, will let you do that and discover more apps you might love.

Signing up is simple: you can connect with your Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn accounts. Once you’ve got an account set up, you can start listing all of the apps you use by filling in your interests. Setapp is targeted at technical professionals, so right now the interests revolve around programming, Web development, and IT.


If searching around for your favorite apps manually seems like too much work, then downloading the Setapp Desktop app will make the site easier to use. It will automatically sync your apps with the site, so you can add all your favorites immediately as well as get better recommendations.

You can also have a profile and follow other users to improve your recommendations.

Setapp screenshot

If all of this sounds familiar, you might be reminded of the dearly departed Wakoopa. Wakoopa had provided a very similar service for a while. Unfortunately, they decided to shut down. If you miss Wakoopa, then Setapp might be a good replacement if you’re into the more technical side of computing. In any case, this seems like a service to watch.

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