In Case of Emergency Use Social Media [Infographic]

Unfortunately, Mother Nature reminds us from time to time that it is she who ultimately runs the planet. When natural calamities hit various parts of the world, social media helps us stay in touch and in some cases, it could also save lives.

By Enton via



The first part of the infographic presents the types of natural disasters that hit the U.S. and the Caribbean from 2005 to 2011. A wide range of natural phenomenons are listed, along with the location and the casualties. Next, the most important things that should always be in an emergency kit are enumerated. These include vital supplies, but besides food and water people are also recommended to have a flashlight, a radio and some extra batteries. Considering that smartphones are pretty advanced these days, some models could successfully replace the last three items, provided that an extended battery is used.

A first aid kit, prescription medication and a cell phone with charger (be it a smartphone or a simple one) may also prove helpful in extreme situations. Smartphones often include social media apps that help us stay connected to each other, so unless there is no network in the area, people are highly recommended to use such features. The top 5 most important social networks are listed in infographic, along with the top 3 most important social tools.

By using social media when struck by natural disasters, people are able to provide quick updates on how the situation evolves. As seen later in the infographic, many U.S. Government Agencies employ social media for handling various problems. The updates transmitted with social media tools could help these agencies estimate what is needed in the area. These tools are at hand for most part of the population, so they should really play an important role in emergency management. Social media can also minimize the communication gap, helping us not only to get a hold of Government Agencies, but also to stay in touch with friends and relatives in such extreme situations. These tools should be employed in a crisis before, during and after the disaster. The statistics regarding the use of social media in the most recent disasters are certainly a proof of how important these tools can be.

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