Power Up with this Solar Charging Table

You’re out having lunch and your cell phone’s battery suddenly goes empty. You’re expecting a call, but you didn’t bring your charger. What to do? Just place your cell on this solar charging table and recharge it!

Solar Charging Table

This innovative prototype was unveiled by Panasonic during the Toyko Retail Tech Expo in May. The solar panels on the table top harness energy from the sun while inductive charging makes it possible to power up devices that are placed on the table.


Ideally, the mobile phone or whatever device to be charged must have a battery that is integrated with the table’s circuits. Eventually, products may be designed with this battery feature in mind, to make inductive charging a practical energy solution for geeks on the go.

Solar Charging Table 2

What else could be a practical application for this technology? For starters, sidewalk cafés and restaurants can have these solar charging tables, so their clients can recharge their mobile devices as they enjoy their meals. There is no need for a power outlet or long cables, plus the energy is also renewable, since the table gets its power from the sun.

Imagine how this technology can also be used in remote areas like mountains and deserts where electrical outlets are far from reach, and having a means of communication is a must. You won’t need to suffer when your cell phone’s battery runs out. Perhaps all you need to worry about is getting a good cellular signal in these places.

In MIT, this energy resource has already found a practical use. These rockers and solar stations keep electrical gadgets charged while students comfortably lounge on them.

If you’re into tables that are tech-savvy and gadget-friendly, you can also take a look at this Acoustable concept, which is a speaker system and charging station in one chic piece of furniture.

Via: Japan Trends