Space Invaders Nail Art Design


It’s a stereotype that guys are prolific gamers whereas the fairer sex can only be found obsessing about her appearance and of course everything being painted PINK! The Space Invaders Nail Art suggests that women also take gaming seriously and they leave no stone unturned when it comes to flaunting it. What seems like just another Nail Art is not some vinyl-sticker like stuff, the lady who coined it, took great efforts to paint Space Invader mini-figs against the black background.  She has used a combination of nail paints to achieve this precision and glossy look.

For someone like me who doesn’t like growing nails, one can get a set of fake translucent nails; paint them and Voila! With such kind of nail art design, flowers and stripes seem to be a passé. I see a flipside here; from a distance the mini-figs wouldn’t be clearly visible and if men reading this liked it, they’ll have to deal with being hailed as ‘Metrosexual’ if they want to wear such stuff.


We have seen a lot of vibrant and pepped up nails like the Simpsons Nail Design and  Ninja Nail Paint Design but this Space Invader Design celebrates the spirit of retro gaming characters like the Super Mario Brothers Fingernail Designs.

Via: TheDailyNail