Tokyoflash Concept Watch Features Display That Follows Gravity

Watches are not only useful, but are also a cool fashion statement, and one concept watch has a unique take on the old timepiece, the display actually follows the laws of gravity.

Sam from Germany sent his concept, the Gravity LCD, to Tokyoflash, who also make real watches. The display uses a tilt sensor, like the kind in the smartphone you’ve replaced your watch with. If you tilt your wrist, the time display will fall toward the bottom, until the wearer touches the screen.

Gravity Watch


The touchscreen also sets the time, as well as turning on the night light.

Gravity Watch

Gravity Watch

It would be great if Tokyoflash actually made this watch, witch might give these pocket watches that can use the Internet and make calls we’ve replaced them with a run for their money.

We’ve covered some of Tokyoflash’s real watches before, like the Kisai Stencil LCD watch and the Sudoku watch.