The Zapata Flyboard Transforms You Into Aquaman

Move over Aquaman, as you may just get some serious competition from us ordinary humans. Water-skiing is so passé and last century, as now one can fulfill their fantasy of flying over azure waters without breaking their spine. The Flyboard is one of those contraptions that the heart instantly covets, no matter how ridiculous the actual premise may be.

A brainchild of Zapata, a professional jet ski racer, the Flyboard is a wearable apparatus that propels its wearer above 30 feet in the air via water jets , so that you feel like a true Superhero. A design similar to water-powered jetpacks, Flyboard in all honesty is a grown man’s toy, as no matter how old you get, everyone loves reliving the moves of their favorite Superhero. Retailing for a hefty $6,400, the Flyboard makes for the perfect geeky gift this Christmas.
