Turn your LP Records to MP3

LP-to-MP3 ConverterWould you like your entire record collection on MP3? Would it be nice to listen to all those rare LP albums you own right on your iPod? It is easier than before with the LP-to-MP3 converter. A simple way to convert LP records into MP3s.

There is different software available that will allow you to do that, but Hammacher Schlemmer has created an actual turntable that does so. It easily connects to your laptop or desktop for easy conversion of your favorite records, and simple backup of your priceless collection. In case something ever happens, your precious music will be on your hard drive for safekeeping.

Think about it…your out-of-print Frank Sinatra collection, old Misfits singles, Lenny Bruce comedy, or some rare Jazz albums can be savored forever and moved into your iPod or other MP3 players.


The LP-to-MP3 converter is priced at $189.95 but is also a working turntable by itself. It will work both with Windows and Macs.

Via: Best Stuff