An All Encompassing Future by Nokia Morph

What would you like your cellphone to do? Try to come up with different ideas, solutions, and features then combine them into one cellphone concept, and you may agree with Nokia’s vision.

The Morph cellphone of Nokia is not in production yet, but the ideas were put into an animated video. Basically, they envision a device using nanotechnology that enables a phone to morph for increased productivity and convenience.


For example, besides your phone being palm sized for phone conversation, it could transform into a small tablet to view additional options. Furthermore, instead of carrying it in your pocket, bag or purse, you can transform it again to become a bendable wrist watch.

They go on give other ideas as to the material it is made of, as it would deter liquids and such from sticking and ruining the gadget.

When will this be made? Maybe in 100 or a thousand years, but the wait begins now. The concept may be far fetched for now, but is still something to look forward to and dream of.