John Carpenter’s The Thing GI Joe Remake


Have you ever seen John Carpenter’s the Thing? That horror flick is an old favorite of mine, which I unfortunately haven’t seen in quite a long time. It stars Kurt Russell as the hero of a group in the Antarctic, where an alien invades, and the rest of the gore and fear is up for your imagination. We should just say: blood, suspense, and a movie that is really worth the rental fee (or download time).


The video below is a short tribute film for John Carpenter’s the Thing. It stars not one, or two, but a group of GI Joe action figures (along with their setting, equipment and many facial expressions) as the movie’s cast. This remake combines great music, animation, and an entertainment factor to it. If you have seen the movie before, you would appreciate this tribute version of the Thing. For those that haven’t seen it, it is a great recap of the film and idea but may be a slight spoiler if you planned on watching the original.

I love movie remakes and tributes that are made so creatively. I have no clue how the idea of using GI Joe’s came up, but it is a success nonetheless. Another great remake is the robot movie based on a scene of the horror movie the Shining. That is also a must see movie remake.


Via: Arsgeek