Cook Lite Outdoor Kitchen Gadget

Cook Lite is a Kitchen Gadget design concept by Michael Rall. The Cook Lite allows you to cook warm meals when camping outside or when you are not close to a fire source, and is a great way to enjoy piping hot meals even in desolate locations. The lightweight stove is a blessing for backpackers who need to make sure they don’t need to eat cold food when required facilities are not available.


The Cook Lite can cook meals for two people and has a percolator inside which can help you steam vegetables. In case you would like to cook something else, the stove can hold normal cooking pans. The Cook Lite can be installed and used easily and fits in your backpack without causing much discomfort.

Sometimes, you may want to buy a gadget that is not limited to just cooking but also takes care of your beverage needs. The Musical Kettle Gadget allows you to boil tea while you enjoy music and the Desktop Coffee Maker is self explanatory. With a kitchen gadget like the Cook Lite, motels and restaurants may face serious competition as one wouldn’t need to go to a restaurant for a bowl of steaming veggies.

However, the Cook Lite is still at a conceptual stage and it is not clear when it would be manufactured. Keep your fingers crossed, for the next time you go backpacking in an exotic locale like Mongolia, you wouldn’t need to worry about not finding something hot to eat.

Via: Gizmodiva