iFrogz DJ Headphones


ifrogz EarPollution has launched interesting DJ headphones which seem to curb all the distractions and help you enjoy music sans overhearing comments made by your colleagues in the next cubicle. It can get really annoying when you are forced to listen to what someone else is talking when all you want to do is to listen to some mind blowing music. The company has launched many models including The Union, the Billionaire, and the Silver Spider.



The headphones offer a great fit and cup around your ears in a comfortable way. While doing so, they block external noise and also provide you with the subtlest sounds possible. These mean accessories are also enabled with 50mm speaker drivers which partly contribute to the amazing sound quality. These DJ headphones cost $50 and are definitely worth buying.


You may also want to try the customizable headphones with 40mm drivers which cost $35 each. The fact that these headphones could be customized using a very simple web interface makes them more appealing than the rest of similar products available. We had also featured some really cool Custom iPhone 3G Headphones and Earphones which would be a better idea if iPhones are what you use to listen to music.

Via: Asylum