iPhone Unlock Doormat: Slide to Unlock Home Design

iPhone Unlock Doormat1

Don’t be surprised if your geek neighbor has a doormat displaying ‘slide to unlock’, a take on the iPhone.  Of course Unlock Doormat is only a doormat design for your home and news of an iDoor which can be unlocked by sliding a doormat is still awaited!

This geeky rubber doormat comes from Meninos. It is highly washable and measures 70X35 cm. Priced at $50 Unlock Doormat is a highly trendy design for a doormat. Sometime back there was similar geeky Computer Keyboard Doormat, this is one step further iPhone inspired doormat. Such doormats do bear a signature of geek personalities living inside the house.


Well, it does make one wish for magical iDoors which could be unlocked by merely sliding the doormat, of course there has to be password protected lock. This would be ideal for forgetful geeks who often lose keys and lock themselves out. Maybe there could be door that could be unlocked using iPhone itself!

The iPanties is an inspiring design indeed going after the same iPhone feature inspiration. Just click and add to the cart and show-off you are a geek too!

Via Wired