Star Trek Monopoly Board Game


The Star Trek mania has continued for generations, but mania has never been manifested like this before. Even the traditional board games like Monopoly now have a Star Trek version entitled – Star Trek Monopoly Continuum edition! Inspired by the latest Star Trek movie, new series of collectibles, Online games, downloads, board games, toys and other exciting products are flooding the market including amazing Star Trek gadgets.

All of us have enjoyed Monopoly game in the childhood. But the Star Trek Monopoly Continuum edition promises to make the board game even more exciting for all Star Trek struck families. One can simply go on a historic voyage and live through journey of the exciting Starfleet while playing this simple game. Moreover you can trade all the memorable locales of the Trek and feel the Star Trek power.


This latest version of Monopoly has a chest of treasure trove for Trekkies which also include “Sensor Readings” (Chance) and “Subspace Transmission” (Community Chest) cards, and 6 collectible, tokens with Trekkie-theme: Shuttlecraft, Phaser, Klingon Goblet, Communicator, Captain’s Chair, and Vulcan Harp.

Star Trek adventure cannot get more real than this. Just get the Star Trek Monopoly Game and begin the exciting fun voyage with family and friends. Of course the game is geeky, after all Star Trek characters are the first imaginative traditional geeks.

The new Monopoly board game Star Trek edition can be the favorite geek and trekkie collectible for only $34.